Sunday, February 27, 2011

RLC Sticker Trouble

Living at Csulb's Residential Learning College has all the perks of living on campus at an off campus location ; transportation, food plans, pool access.

This semester Silverado Stages, our campus shuttle providers, require that residents of RLC that use the shuttles to and from campus have an RLC sticker on their school ID in order to board.

However non-residents can easily make duplicates of these store bought, hand written stickers to get on  the shuttles and get to the RLC.

Mike, the shuttle supervisor says "I told them that we needed official stickers from the school, that way students can't duplicate them and won't complain about them falling off."

Csulb has yet to give out an official RLC sticker but the Campus shuttles are still looking out for the star shaped stickers given to RLC residents.

-Leslie Campos

Student Hit in Front of Parkside Dorms

          On Thursday, Feb. 24, a female student and resident in the Parkside Dorm buildings was hit in by another student in a van in front of the Parkside main office building.

          Deresa Crenshaw, Coordinator of the Parkside Dorms, witnessed the accident and immediately called the fire department. The student (whose name could not be released) was checked out and was reported to be free of any major injuries.

          "She (the student hit) was crying and apologizing for all the trouble," said Crenshaw. Fortunately, the student didn't have any broken bones and will experience a few bruises and tenderness at most.

Lauren Weiss