Monday, March 14, 2011

Residents are Uninterested with Dorm Events

In previous semesters, sign ups have gone through the roof for events hosted by RAs such as the Mac Make-Up tutorials and the InCahoots Line-Dance Parties. Community service projects such as the Beach Clean-Ups and awareness events also drew a lot of attention.

However this semester has seen a dramatic decline in participation of such events.Every event sees less and less sign ups from the residents."There are a few reasons why i don't participate," says Nicole Williams, a resident of Parkside H Building. "I either have no money, I'm busy and forget to go or they just aren't interesting."

Some events don't offer transportation to students, instead they offer gas cards for carpooling, but sometimes their friends don't want to attend. "I also wont go if i cant find someone to go with me," says Williams.

Other times events are not promoted as effectively as before, when people were invited on Facebook, reminded through Twitter and called to confirm that they were coming. Events that are highly promoted have more participation.

To improve attendance Resident Assistants could look into making the events more interesting to their residents and also publicize more and possibly provide transportation for a more of the off-campus events.

For more information on building events contact your RA or visit the poster row at your community's Dining Hall.

-Leslie Campos

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Residence Assistants have a hard time getting students to participate

         As a residence assistant in the CSULB dorms, one of your job tasks is to plan and host one event per semester that is open to all dorm residents. These activities range from magic shows to hikes to shopping trips, at all little to no cost. This semester, however, RA's have had a difficult time getting students to sign up for their events.

          "I just don't understand why people aren't signing up for things," said RA Laura Jenkins. "It's really odd and frustrating."

          The RA's have been speculating about why students haven't been signing up for events-- money issues, time constraints, etc. but one thing is certain, students are not getting involved like they used to. Some RAs have even complained that during dinner time sign ups, only one or two students total will sign up for their events, many of which are free to students.

          This phenomenon has been putting a lot of anxiety on the RAs as well as the dorm coordinators, who are essentially in charge of the RAs. Many RAs are concerned about seeing a drop in their allotted budgets for these events if they can't get people to participate.

-Lauren Weiss