Sunday, April 17, 2011

Will Tuition Hikes Create More Problems?

    On Wednesday, CSULB, as well as many other CSU campuses, hosted a protest called Take "Class Action" in order to raise awareness about even bigger budget cuts to the CSU system and to rally support in hopes of decreasing the potential budget cuts.

          So what does this mean for CSULB housing? More crowding in the dorms, higher prices to live on campus, the continuation of mandatory on-campus housing for incoming freshman, and less money for the RA's to use to host events.

          "These budget cuts are really affecting every aspect of CSULB, including housing," said R.A. Tait Kilgore. "It takes effect all over campus."

          To live in the dorms costs over $10,000 per year as it is. With further budget cuts, RA's will have to deal with crowding in the dorms due to mandatory on-campus housing for freshman and further cuts from their budgets to host events.

          "I'm even worried that we may get less stipends for being RA's," said Kilgore.

          Until the budget gets sorted out for next school year, RA's as well as everyone else are on edge about how the budget cuts will effect them.

-Lauren Weiss

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