Monday, March 21, 2011

Flood Warnings on Channel 3

Student videos, housing infomercials and now safety warnings? Housing's private circuit television station, "channel three" now broadcasts flash flood safety warnings like local stations. However, students debate on how effective the safety warnings are and what can be done to improve safety awareness in the dorms.

Residential officials are not doing the best job in letting their residents know what's going on, be it something menial like building events or something as serious as flooding. Students feel that the flash flood warnings on channel three would have been a lot more effective if someone in charge would have sent out a mass message or let them know personally.

"I don't even think I get that channel on my television, I had to hear it from my mom and look it up myself," says Stephanie Scardenzan, a resident of Parkside. "If they sent out a text message, since everyone has a phone, it would have been more effective than just putting it on channel three."

Approaching each and every person is a huge task for one RA and it is almost impossible to reach everybody, but a brief building meeting or a note on the doors would be more effective because people would have to look at it passing through.

"I saw it on channel three but I mean, if we're about to die, I would want someone to tell me," says T.J Robinson, third year resident of Parkside.

The flash flood warnings go on during the movie showing on channel three and last for about a minute or two and then continue with their regularly scheduled program.

-Leslie Campos

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