Sunday, March 27, 2011

Staying for Spring Break? The price you have to pay.

          Although living in the residential housing on campus has its perks, many students and R.A.'s are beginning to think the price is too high.

          In order to be able to have access to your dorm room during Spring Break, residents had to sign up in advance and pay $45 for the "early bird" special and $90 later on. This is in addition to the already steep price of over $10,000 per year to live in the residential halls. This fee doesn't just apply to Spring Break, but to Winter Break and Thanksgiving Break as well. Students have to pay $400 to stay in their rooms during Winter Break. 

          "I feel like with the longer breaks it's understandable because its you know its a month or so," said R.A. Aaron Apanasewitcz. "But with spring break I think it is kinda stupid cause im pretty sure they do not pay less for this month than any other when they pay their normal monthly dues. And if this is the case then technically they have already payed for spring break so I think they should be able to stay over the break for free if they want.

          The CSULB housing uses that money to pay for maintenance staff to work, but the R.A.s don't get paid and the dining halls aren't open, leaving a lot of money in question. Many students are finding the cost too high and are staying home for the breaks. 

-Lauren Weiss

The Parkside Residential Halls

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